We provide a wide range of services to ensure the success of your project: land use planning, regulatory and TRPA compliance, site & BMP design, permit preparation, submittal, monitoring, and project management for residential, commercial, multi-use, shorezone, scenic, recreational, and community service projects.
To start we’ll gain a thorough understanding of your goals and figure out how it fits within the regulations. If you’re still developing your vision, we can determine what’s possible and help craft your plan. Pre project approvals (e.g. variances) will be obtained, and timeline will be discussed.
Feasibility studies, identification of potential restrictions
TRPA Site Assessments/coverage verifications
Coverage analysis and strategization
Development right evaluation/acquisition/conversion projects
Special pre-project approvals (variances, zoning changes)
CEQ analysis/EIR for large projects (e.g. commercial)
Parking requirements and impacts
Real estate consultations (agents and buyers)
Pre development meetings with agencies
Public outreach campaigns
Identify exceptions, allowances, and other innovative solutions
Project scheduling/timeline/expediting
During the design phase, we will collaborate with your architect and engineer to ensure the project plans align with planning regulations. Civil site plan production is offered for time sensitive projects.
Scenic shorezone analysis, visual impact scoring
Pier, boat lift, and buoy permitting
Scenic corridor assessments
Navigate floodplains, waterways, and stream environment zones
Sign permits
Professional site plans with coverage calculations
Access Plans for fire department pre approval
BMP Plans including calculations and design, temporary and permanent measures
Project coordination - act as liaison between architect, engineer and consultants
Conformance checks
In the Tahoe Region, even small projects typically require a multitude of permits and approvals, each with numerous forms and documents. We offer comprehensive permit preparation, submittal, and monitoring. We minimize delays by ensuring submittals occur at the right time, and providing coordination so corrections are turned around quickly.
County/town permit applications along with other concurrent agency approvals
Planning entitlement applications (e.g. use permits, design review approval, administrative approval, subdivisions, lot mergers, boundary line adjustments, sign permits, event permits)
Coordinate and manage EIR or negative declaration process for larger projects
Represent project at public meetings/hearings/committee reviews
Track permit progress, ensuring forward movement
Assist with any issues or revisions required during construction
Nonprofit Organizations
We support organizations that protect the environment, economic vitality, community, and character of the Lake Tahoe Region. Amy sits on the Board of Directors of three local nonprofit organizations as well as four nonprofit committees. We have exceeded our allocation for Pro Bono work for 2024 and have suspended the Pro Bono Program to focus on our valued clients.